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Comm Screenings
Host a Screening in Your Community!


You can set up personalized screenings of An Act of Love at churches, universities, and other community venues across the country. You choose the date, time, and venue.


This is a fantastic opportunity to engage your community in a dialogue about religion and LGBTQ issues. Events can be used as fundraisers and can include audience discussions. 

Purchase a Screening License Individually or with the Official DVD


Do you already own An Act of Love on DVD or Digital HD? Are you planning on purchasing An Act of Love on DVD? Either way, you can purchase a screening license directly from the filmmakers. 


If you already own the film, you may purchase a one-time screening license separately. If you do not own the film, you can buy the official DVD + a screening license together. We also offer Annual Licenses, which allow you to publicly screen the film as many times as you like over the course of a year.


Email us for a custom quote. Tell us:

  • Your organization's name

  • City/State

  • Desired screening date(s)

  • Approximately how many people you expect to attend the screening

  • If you'd like to purchase the DVD or if you already own it

  • If you'd like a one-time screening license or an Annual License


Then, PROMOTE! Let others in the community know about the screening. Contact local churches, campus groups, or chapters of organizations like PFLAG and invite them. Create a Facebook event page and invite friends and colleagues.


Download our Community Screening Promoter Toolkit, including discussion guide, flyer templates, film stills, social media templates, email templates, and other helpful hints on making it a success!


You can also ask us if someone featured in the film lives in your area. We'll contact them and see if they're available for a Q&A!


Please note: if you belong to a church or non-profit organization and cannot afford a screening fee, please email us and we'll see if we can work something out. Our goal is to enable as many people as possible to see the film.


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